Hi there everybody, I am writing this as the final finishing touches are put to both versions of THE CRYPT disk magazine. Yes folks, I did say BOTH versions of the magazine. THE CRYPT is still available as normal as a stand alone floppy disk version and for those of you that wish to download the magazine direct to your hard drive a HD version can be found on our website.
Now we come to the Jewel in the Crown, the ALL platform HTML version which can also be found on our website. If we can cross the barrier of distance with half of Riyan Productions living in Scotland and the other half living in the South of England then we can also cross the platform barrier to bring THE CRYPT to ALL computer users.
The HTML version means it doesn't matter what Personal Computer you use or own, a Microsoft Windows platform, an Apple Mac or an Amiga you can still get to read THE CRYPT magazine. For those of you that are reading this magazine on a PC or IMac and are wondering what an Amiga is please read the remainder of our magazine to learn more.
I know that we shouldn't blow our own trumpets but I think that this edition really looks good. However none of this would have been possible were it not for the dedication and plain hard work put in by not only the team of folk that make up Riyan Productions but YOU the readers too. Yes, it's YOU the readers that I should like to thank for the excellent contributions that you all sent in that helps make THE CRYPT the biggest and best disk magazine around.Now, a message for all the other platform users that are reading this magazine. Please let us know what you thought of THE CRYPT, be it good or bad and if you would like to contribute an article or whatever for the next edition we would love to hear from you.
Well folks, that's about it from me. I'm off now to the Piston Broke pub for a pint or three with Wee Boaby. I'm going to enjoy my drink, I hope you all enjoy this the 16th edition of THE CRYPT disk magazine.